Local businesses impacted by COVID-19 will have a chance to qualify for the Microenterprise Assistance Program. To qualify as a Microenterprise for this program, you must be a brick-and-mortar business located in the City of Warren with five or fewer employees, one of whom is an income-eligible owner.
Here are some of the eligibility requirements. A complete list of requirements can be found in the information links below.
A Microenterprise whose owner has an annual household income at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI). (Specific income limits are described in the first information link below under Appendix A.)
A Microenterprise that is a for-profit organization in business for at least 18 months.
You must be able to verify that your Microenterprise has been negatively impacted by Covid-19.
Your business must showcase a verifiable need for working capital to support payroll, rent, mortgage payments, utility expenses, and/or other expenses that occur in the ordinary course of business.
Home-based businesses, business owners with income that exceeds the program maximum, and marijuana-related businesses (prohibited use of federal funds), are all ineligible for this grant program.
Applications will be accepted through May 19, 2021.
The City of Warren will make every reasonable effort to encourage the participation of minorities, non-English speaking persons, limited English proficiency persons, and persons with disabilities. Any individual requiring reasonable accommodation in order to participate in the program should email microgrant@cityofwarren.org
$475,000 will be made available to help local businesses impacted by COVID-19.
Click on the links below for more information and a complete list of requirements.
Guidelines for Microenterprise Grant Program
Quick Guide for SAM Registration