The Suburban Library Cooperative and the Warren Public Library will soon be switching to a new Integrated Library System (ILS) that manages our online library catalog as well as circulation and patron management.
The new system is Polaris, by Innovative. The new online catalog interface is called Vega.
Because there is a significant amount of data to migrate between systems, some common library activities, such as lending through MeL, as well as placing holds, will need to be suspended for a brief time.
Unfortunately, PINs for library card accounts did not transfer from our old catalog to the new catalog. To access your account, your temporary PIN is the last four digits of your library card.
To update your PIN, click Log in at the upper-right of the Vega catalog homepage. Enter your library card number. Enter your PIN in the Passcode box. If the PIN isn’t being accepted try the last four digits of your library card (see above). Click Log in. Click your name, and then from the drop-down click your name again. Click Edit Profile on the right-hand side, then scroll down and click Change PIN.
More information on the new library catalog can be found here.